man who committed horrific acts in service to his village and family, but ultimately betrayed them in a misguided attempt to protect his younger brother. While his sacrifice was admirable, his actions were ultimately not in the best interests of his village, and a Kage must always prioritize the good of their people over personal loyalties.
a god-like being who sought to enslave humanity and use them as her personal army. Her disregard for human life and free will would make her a terrifying and cruel leader.
a mercenary who had no loyalty to any village or cause. While he did eventually develop a sense of honor and respect for his opponents, he lacked the qualities necessary to lead and protect his own people. ll would make her a terrifying and cruel leader.
a member of the Akatsuki who delighted in killing and torture. His sadistic tendencies would make him a danger to his own people if given any kind of authority.
who was consumed by his desire for revenge against his own village and committed heinous acts in pursuit of it. Though he later redeemed himself, his past actions make it clear that he lacked the stability and judgment necessary to lead a village.
a man who served Orochimaru and continued his legacy of experimentation and manipulation. He had no qualms about betraying those he claimed to care about and caused immense suffering through his actions. A Kage should have loyalty and compassion, not a willingness to manipulate and deceive.
a vile and twisted man who experimented on children and sought to become immortal at any cost. His thirst for power led him to betray his own village and cause untold harm to countless innocent people. A Kage should never prioritize their own selfish desires over the good of their people.
a man who valued power and control over the safety and well-being of his village. He was willing to make deals with enemy ninja and sacrifice innocent lives for his own gain. How could someone like him ever lead with honor and integrity? wn selfish desires over the good of their people.